AUGUST, 2009, Week 3
UPDATE ISSUE 8 (New Format)
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TNNW UPDATES! [A "must read"]: August, 2009, Week 3
Brand New Stuff, and Renewing Old Promises:
THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER will be making its arrival. It will have the capability of making you into a current events genius (and give you the appearance of being the smartest guy/ gal in the room) in return for an investment of just 20 minutes per day of your precious time. It will be in a simple, bookmark-sized widget (or is it gadget?) format. It is a prioritized compilation of the top news articles from in excess of 20 publications, and it will be continuously updated throughout the day.
THE NEW WEBSITE AND BLOG FORMAT with navigation tools so easy that your pet ferret will be able to use them will be going live. Unlike Internet Explorer 8 (which is a piece of crap) we will actually improve the quality of your media experience, and your ability to MONETIZE your KNOWLEDGE. On a somber note, we are coordinating among three different platforms: Blogger, Wordpress and the HTML Website. The dicey part is going to be making the final product [cue harp music] as seamless and glitch-free as possible. The nucleus (George W. would likely have pronounced it "nuke-you-lus") of the whole thing will be the website itself (http://www.TheNationalNetworker.com). When we cut the ribbon (to date, we have mostly been cutting the cheese, as it were), you will be able to get to every part and page of the site with the simple tabs on the website. So far, the thing (we actually call it that) is looking smashing, indeed.
THE NEW SPECIAL ITEMS will be featured every week, if nobody gets a chance to edit them out first. If you promise not to tell, we'll give you a hint...

*(see note, below)

Note: Starting next week, we will be co-sponsoring a series of daily and weekly surveys in conjunction withMr. Scott R. Gingold, a veteran pollster and industry consultant and the Founding Principal of both Powerfeedback (http://www.powerfeedback.com/) and Confidential Counselor (http://www.confidentialcounsellor.com/) under TNNW SURVEYS, ANALYSES AND FINDINGS.
You're not laughing now. You won't be laughing at all when you see every one of the above rectangles (each in a nice shade of blue, with crisp white lettering on it) come alive in the form of a mini-column, next issue.
TWITTER AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA. If you aren't doing it yet, join us (follow us) on Twitter, at http://twitter.com/TNNW_BUZZWORKS. We are very active on social media, and even some anti-social media, as may be required in the circumstances. And while you're at it, become a fan and supporter (we're leaving out an obvious joke here) of THE NATIONAL NETWORKER on our fan page in FACEBOOK.
PRESS AND NEWS RELEASES. In these times, a properly-crafted, optimized and submitted press or news release (we prefer "news release") can literally create a sensation overnight. Dollar for dollar, it is, by far, the most cost-effective form of media domination, penetration and infiltration. There are very fewer investments which you can make which yield such amazing and immediate results. Visit: http://tnnw1.blogspot.com , take a peek, and then come back here to read the Newsletter Articles.

GET THE DAILY EMAIL FEED OR THE RSS FEED for TNNW. We publish items of great interest every day, including special articles, offers to Subscribers and Members, and announcements of news and significant events. Don't miss out. Click on http://thenationalnetworkerweblog.blogspot.com/ , and sign yourself up for the free DAILY EMAIL or RSS service. Please do it now! Then, come back and read the Newsletter Articles.
With our Commitment of Greater Things to Come,
Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle (who is not quite as important as Adam J. Kovitz)

Posted to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER (TNNW). All rights reserved.
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