by Douglas Castle (http://aboutdouglascastle.blogspot.com/)
WHAT IS YOUR TIME WORTH? And what are YOU worth?
You invest your time, either for instant gratification or compensation, or to build wealth and security for the future. Your time, as I have said repeatedly, is limited, and uncertain. If you are a contributor of great value, choose investments which will reward you...being enslaved to make a meager living can keep you from choosing better opportunities to be justly and deservedly compensated.
The irony here, is that sometimes the illusion of financial security is merely concealing an ongoing loss of opportunity, and for earning what you are truly worth.
Yes, security can indeed be enslavement, just as easily as insecurity can be the gateway to liberation.
Be vigilant. Pay attention to both sides of your psyche -- the intuitive side, and the conscious, intellectual side. Get in touch with a) who you are; b) what you are doing; c) why you are doing what you are doing (i.e., the "payoff"); and d) if there is something you should be doing instead of what you are doing.
Warning: Introspection and self-awareness can be frightening. You will likely find that you have rationalized and compromised yourself, your time and your life (everything that matters) in exchange for far less than you had ever imagined. You may have constructed a cage for yourself out of your own fears --- and that cage is separating you from truly fulfilling your needs and desires.
SELF-IMPOSED PUNISHMENT IS NOT THE SAME AS PRACTICAL DISCIPLINE. Discipline is a skill, whereby you employ focus in order to attain a visualized objective. Self-imposed punishment is merely the bastard offspring of fear, insecurity and self-hatred...it is dangerously masochistic. It ensnares us in an ever-tightening net.
I am still working on this, as I am working on myself. I am writing about it, but I have not personally mastered it -- my greatest comfort is in knowing that I am being honest with myself about myself. I know (both sides of my psyche are in agreement regarding this) that I am now headed in the right direction.
Douglas Castle
*Your free subscription to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter http://twitlik.com/OK
p.s. Where can you find Christine West, Adam J. Kovitz, Yossi Feigenson, Rick Itzkowich, Stefanie Gorder and Thomas C. Kern?
At THE NATIONAL NETWORKER - http://www.TheNationalNetworker.com
p.p.s. Who is Thomas C. Kern? (Who's asking? Am I experiencing auditory hallucinations again?). Tom is in the engine room, as Director of Operations for TNNW's Press Release, Public Relations and Publicity Services Center. Go there - http://tnnw1.blogspot.com/ . You'll appreciate Tom...rather like Captain Kirk appreciates Scotty.
p.p.p.s. What's in that photo at the top of this post? It is an artist's portrayal of Frequency 528. Google it.
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The National Networker Companies
Dearest Douglas
You have obviously taken a very brave first step to allow yourself to be introspective and more aware of your fears. Most people in our culture never realize that Mastering Fear is an ongoing growth process that is extremely rewarding. If we live and operate at the surface and ignore our demons that live far below the surface, well my friend there is nothing to FEAR except for being a passenger on a merry- go-round ride of dramatic stagnation in most areas of the person’s life.
This merry-go-round ride will confuse the person into thinking their life is exciting instead of understanding their world is filled with a lack of love. One needs to be a BRAVE and the COURAGOUS Master of their life. Once we take this courageous step, then the way we live, work and play becomes a beautiful romance from our heart-and-soul. When we love ourselves this way, we can love our clients, our prospects, our family, our friends and acquaintances in a meaningful healthy way that serves a mutual purpose instead of living in a dark world of FEAR.
Christine M. West, MS, CMHT aka Go West !!!
TheBusinessMD (Industrial Organizational Psychology Practitioner )
Master the Fear …
Explore the Power of Change
Douglas Castle "What are you doing?" My life is complicated enough without figuring out who the heck, and what the heck I am. I don't even know what "I" is.
Seriously, though, very brave to open up like that. Opening up leaves very little room for bullshit. You either reciprocate or get out of the way. The walls and shells we put up around ourselves come crashing (tumbling) down, and before you know it people are having real, meaningful correspoondence.
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