TNNW UPDATE! November, 2009, Week 3 - Read These, Or Our Feelings Will Be Hurt. - Here at TNNW, we have learned to use guilt as a tool to manipulate our readers to our advantage. It worked for our mothers, and it can work for us!
November, 2009, WEEK 3
- Synthesizing;
- Synergizing;
- Mobilizing; and
- Monetizing.
Get your free subscription to the TNNW Weekly Newsletter at our new subscription address:
http://twitlik.com/IN Yes indeed, you can now subscribe at http://twitlik.com/IN (Note: this is a fresh, new, virginal subscription address --
The old subscription address, which had been http://twitlik.com/OK, has been commandeered by Tweet Adder. We are not Tweet Adder, and TNNW has no affiliation with Twitter, or with any Twitter-related applications. We do use Twitter services, but we refrain from flipping our respected readers the Bird. (ahem.)
The NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter is actually the gateway to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER COMPANIES, and their services. TNNW is, and will continue to be our flagship publication, and it will continue to be free. For everyone's edification (and to address a wonderfully direct question from Featured Columnist Beth Barany) here's the the picture, in brief:

We are going to be changing our company name to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER COMPANIES LLC. This "umbrella company" will be the parent company to a number of Divisions, each of which will provide its own group of services. In general terms, THE NATIONAL NETWORKER COMPANIES LLC, (the "Holding Comapny") as an entity, will be in three businesses through its Divisons. And now...
Take a look at our Divisional Logos, and what goodies will be available to you under each. In our next Update!, we will give you the specific services (and page coordinates) for every single service catagory. Then, you'll be using us more than amy plumbing appliance. Also, note that we will be servicing and supporting everything thing that we provide. It's not a "sale"....its the beginning of a partnership with every one of our clients.
Take a look at our Divisional Logos, and what goodies will be available to you under each. In our next Update!, we will give you the specific services (and page coordinates) for every single service catagory. Then, you'll be using us more than amy plumbing appliance. Also, note that we will be servicing and supporting everything thing that we provide. It's not a "sale"....its the beginning of a partnership with every one of our clients.

Publishing and providing business news, information, research and intelligence for the benefit of its members through newsletters, news feeds, special bulletins, surveys, announcements, news releases, webinars, forums videos and events. The news, information, research and intelligence will be focused on all aspects of becoming successful personally and professionally -- in your life and in your career. Our membership is comprised of executives, entrepreneurs and professionals. They are united in their desire to achieve greater success, and in their desire to network, connect, collaborate and to become part of a greater community for the sharing of resources, and ultimately, for sharing in the profits of the world's first Interworking Cooperative Business Community (ICBC), which the Founders of the Holding Company believe will be the next form of business entity. Membership is free and is automatically granted with subscription to The TNNW Newsletter, and services are only provided to members. Ultimately, the Holding Company will be member-owned, with members becoming contributors and stakeholders in an internationally-diversified company. We promote authorship and a synergistic masterminding of ideas. We are changing ideas and energy into plans, progress, products and profits for our members and with our members.

Providing a suite of unique, innovative and powerful services for the benefit of all members. These services will not be available to the general public-at-large, and will include: PUBLICITY, NEWS RELEASES, MARKET RESEARCH, SURVEYS, CALENDAR POSTING, INTERNATIONAL AGENT/ DISTRIBUTOR and REPRESENTATION SERVICES, PUBLISHING, RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES and FINANCING SERVICES.

Providing social media domination, image-building, branding and other buzz-related services through our own, internally-built Buzzworks Team. We have the ability to popularize individuals, ideas, products, publications for the benefit of our members. Buzzworks does its magic for members in connection with the services offered through the other Divisions. Our Principal Product has the unlikely name of "BRUTE FORCE REQUEST". We're not kidding.
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is who we are and what we do. We are privately owned, but we will be a ground-breaking ICBC (you can Google it... it is an acronym for "Interworked Cooperative Business Community") before you know it.
We are integrating our websites, blogsites and services to make them more user-friendly, more user-interactive and easier to navigate than ever before. We are finalizing the terms of affiliation with several other service-providers and international cause-centered organizations, including a Not-For-Profit [IRS Section 501(c)3] Charitable Trust. Expect event announcements, fundraisers, contests, and real-time, real-space interaction.
Just watch.
During the course of the past year, our subscribership has grown by more than 20%, and it is growing at an accelerating pace. Starting November 1st, all Subscribers will automatically be Members. All Members of record (as of that date) will be receiving special benefits, and will be thumbing their noses at you late-joiners.
We are not just a group of publications. We are not just a services provider. We are a community, and it is our pledge to use this potentialized, exponentialized critical-mass Supermind to aggressively and proactively assist every Member in attaining his or her goals for self-growth and professional, financial success.
Remember this concept of Interworked Cooperative Business Community (The ICBC). It is the next step in political and organizational evolution.
Many of our highly-opinionated and inordinately vociferous readers have been complaining that they would like a "comment" button embedded right in each article posting so that they could just click on it with their views, questions, ideas, suggestions, criticisms and rhubarb pie recipes (one elderly woman from Minnesota actually did want to send us recipes). Your wish has been granted...the following button will now be embedded in every article so that you may click, instantly access a pop-up form, and engage in an excoriating diatribe, a passionate rant, a productive suggestion, or a compliment to one of our talented but deeply tormented writers (think of Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath, or Ernest Hemmingway).
Would you just look at this button? Think of how easy it will now be to give us your BackTalk.

With our Commitment of Great Things to Come,
Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle
Posted to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER (TNNW). All rights reserved.
To subscribe for your free TNNW Newsletter, go to http://www.thenationalnetworker.com/ For the complete National Networker (TNNW) Relationship Capital Toolkit and a free continuous RSS feed (available either by traditional RSS or by direct email), go to: http://thenationalnetworkerweblog.blogspot.com/
Pick your news? Sure. Everyone should.

Douglas Castle's Secret Blog Links!
Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free - Click on our NEW SUBSCRIPTION ADDRESS at http://www.twitlik.com/IN.
New! Inappropriate Comic Relief! The second week in a row, back by popular demand:
THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter is looking for some exceptionally skilled, motivated and expert writers (all three of these qualities are actually most desirable in combination, as opposed to just being "skilled," or just being an "expert," or some untenable mix, such as "skilled but unmotivated"). Do you qualify? Just how good are you? Seriously (for a moment)...many are called, but few are chosen. Do you believe that you may be one of the chosen ones? Well? Click on http://twitlik.com/Write4TNNW and tell us about it. Crayons are not permitted.
Our standards are high. The chap who wrote the very popular ad, below, pleaded with us for an opportunity to become a Featured Columnist. We turned him away.
As it says on the pizza box: "You've tried the rest -- now try the BEST." The poor fellow was good enough for Obama, and good enough for LowerMyBills, but he could not measure up to our rigorous standards. Make our day. Tell us about yourself: http://twitlik.com/Write4TNNW . Face your fear. Also, a reminder: You must be a Subscriber/Member to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER NEWSLETTER and The BLUE TUESDAY Report in order to gain admittance as a writer. Join for free at http://twitlik.com/IN.
Thank you for your consideration in this important matter.
p.s. Did we remember to remind you to subscribe to The NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter and the BLUE TUESDAY REPORT free.?

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