The National Networker Weekly Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report are TNNWC Publications Geared Toward Early-Stage Enterprises.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

TNNWC UPDATE BULLETIN - Special Edition - News and Developments - 04.18.2010 ---

TNNWC UPDATE BULLETIN - Special Edition - News and Developments - 04.18.2010 ---

UPDATE BULLETIN!The National Networker Companies™
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Update Bulletin - New Developments - The National Networker Companies - 04.18.2010

Friends: If you haven't already joined The National Networker Companies and our GICBC Community, join now for free at

We work best when we collaborate and cooperate,leveraging the support, skills, guidance and hands-on caring assistance of our fellow entrepreneurs and leaders of emerging enterprises. 

Also, while you're in a kind and generous mood, please remember to re-tweet and to buzz this article! - Thanks, and welcome.

*The Winning Women's Vortex, which is sponsored by and affiliated with The National Networker Companies, promises to be one of the most widely-viewed and influencial sites on the web. It features a variety of forums (Collaborative Communities) on real-life, down-to-earth, practical subjects. Without giving too much away, we're taking about establishing our own credit union, our own venture capital and business financing funds, our own specially -priced health, life, property, casualty and liability insurance package for solopreneurs to smaller entrepreneurial enterprises.

The collaboration potential is mind-blowing. The abilities, contacts and knowledge brought to these projects by various women of achievement and ambition will be unsurpassed. The pure lobbying strength promises to be a major force in shaping the way in which business is conducted internationally. The power inherent in such an organization will be sufficient to move mountains. If you are a woman in business, or a women in any of the professions, you'll NEED to join this organization. And to think that it all started with a book that Ann Barczay Sloan felt needed to be written.

Following is an excerpt from Connectrix Ann Barczay Sloan inviting  her interviewees, the moderators, project leaders and their "A" - list groups to just glimpse a sneak preview of the blog...

Douglas Castle and I are happy to announce that our blog / site associated with our forthcoming book starring YOU -- i.e., The Power of Passion: Winning Women Reveal Their Success Secrets -- is currently accessible "for a taste of things to come", as Douglas is fond of saying. 

Yes, the site is under construction, but here is your temporary chance to take a look ASAP at a few of the powerful features and forums soon to be available on our site, for the benefit of entrepreneurial women everywhere!  You have until Tuesday (okay -- Wednesday; but that's our last extension) to look and see and
get excited and inspired -- then it's back to construction work again. 

Please take advantage of this brief  window of time, and by all means, please invite your friends and associates to visit  here as well:

I have a strong feeling you will be proud of your participation in this ever-unfolding  project!

All the best to each and all of you,

Ann Barczay Sloan, M.A.
Author, Editor and Internet Entrepreneur
Your Connectrix   

* Metro Merchant Services, a provider of merchant payment processing solutions to both online businesses (cyberspace merchants and vendors) and off-line businesses (merchants and vendors with geographical locations, such as stores, shops, studios, and the like) has joined TNNWC as a Preferred Service Provider.

They provide innovative, cost-effective solutions for start-up businesses, businesses with limited or negative credit history... and business that wants to sell any product or service to its customers (worldwide) can collect payments from your customers using attractive buttons and/or shopping cart designs which give your customers virtually every option to make payment...Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, PayPal, electonic check and direct deduction.

They can expand your sales dramatically. Most importantly, no matter what the nature and special demands of your business (providing that it is legal and ethically permissable), Metro Merchant Services will work personally and directly with you in order to create the best payment attraction, collection and processing solutions. These solutions are easy to use and fit the theme of your business. Contact Mark Landis or any member of his courteous and helpful staff and feel welcome as a TNNWC Member.

They provide full support 24 hours per day, and seven days per week; you don't get that anywhere else. If you are currently using a merchant payment processing services provider, consider making the switch. If you are a beginner in the entrepreneurial world to internet marketing and ecommerce, just click on the METRO MERCHANT SERVICES link below for a representative to contact you and create the best program to suit your needs.

I Would Like for Metro Merchant Services to Contact Me Immediately, so I'm clicking on the METRO MERCHANT SERVICES link.

*An Important Person To Watch: Sandra Levitin

Sandra Levitin, Founder of Kalön Women and Kalön Women’s Magazine has joined forces with The National Networker Companies.

Kalön Women reaches a growing and increasingly receptive market audience of women, age 40 and over. This particular group is the heart, soul and spirit of what The Global Futurist has termed “Generation XX”.

These women are not only re-inventing themselves…they are fast becoming the dominant and driving force in business, the professions, entrepreneurship, consumerism and activism. They are innovators, fast-learners, early-adopters and thought leaders.

Ms. Levitin offers information, product and service reviews, social and business resources, group forums, advice, mentoring, writing opportunities and access to virtually everything for this amazing segment of the market.

Learn more. Visit the website. Subscribe to the magazine. Oh, and if you’re male, learn to be very, very accommodating. Kalön readers may well be your future bosses, vendors, clients and partners. Investigate. Visit .

Women, particularly those 40 and over, are rising to power and influence. Don't be left behind.

*TAKE the Self-Evaluation Survey (TNNW Survey #6)! 

The polls are closing on April 22nd (the governor granted us a one-week stay), and we'd like your responses, feedback and creative suggestions. The survey is anonymous, unless you wish to give us your name. This self-evaluation is a crucial tool for improvement in every aspect of your business, social and spiritual life. You will learn a great deal about yourself simply by taking this amazing survey. Guaranteed.

To date, we have received a tremendous number of responses, and are already seeing some exciting patterns emerging. Please participate with us.'ll find out a great deal about yourself (through the most productive introspection you've done in a very long time), but ultimately, we, as a group will find out what those of us who are most successful or who are most likely to succeed have in common. On the next go-round of the Survey, we'll ask ourt respondents to rank the characteristics questioned in the Survey from most to least important. This is a fabulous, collaborative project where the sources of data span the entire Social Media Spectrum!

Take the Survey and invest in yourself. TNNW Survey #6 can be accessed easily by clicking on either  or .

*The National Newspicker Page is undergoing an upgrade.

The National Newspicker Page, which is located at is the world's most efficient way to get all of the news, info and intel that you need in just 20 minutes per day in order to sound like the smartest person in the room.

Grab this gadget at if you don't already have it, or simply make the page a favorite, for instant reference. We are switching servers, increasing content and re-formatting access -- this is great news! Sadly, until this process is finished on or about April 22nd, some of the links to sources might be sporatically disconnected. Stay with us. It will be worth your while.

*Left, Right and Center is undergoing an upgrade.

The latest addition to our info-sourcing, Left, Right and Center, is located at is also undergoing the same process. This device, which accesses the the most extremist political news and views from right to left, will be available as a free-standing widget (soon!), and will also be added as an additional tab to the National Newspicker. This process should be completed on or about April 22nd. We would suggest that you get this widget in addition to The National Newspicker Widget.

You'll get every bit of edgy news from the far right, the Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, militias, survivalists, far-left Liberals, Constitutionalists, Progressives, Internationalists, Cultists....Limbaugh to Franken...Maher to Palin...Centrists to Anarchists -- even the gossip amongst the blue-haired ladies playing Mah Jong in North Miami Beach! This stuff is absolutely fascinating, and is the ideal compliment to everything that you read in the mainstream media. We cover Mother Jones as well as the Spectator. You must get this widget the instant that it becomes available. It doesn't matter what YOUR politics are...find out about what everyone is thinking!

*Rick Itzkowich, Founder of QuoteActions and the acknowledged guru of "Keeping In Touch" has officially launched his much- heralded and critically acclaimed QuoteActions Product and Program:

The QuoteActions program is an incredibly simple tool which allows you to continuously keep in touch with your important relationships (your entire, growing email list of clients, subscribers, associates) daily. It operates on autopilot! Your name and your brand will always be in front of any prospect who needs your services...and being in the right place at the right time are crucial elements in the success of any business. QuoteActions allows you to always be there when it counts. More...

QuoteActions is a fabulous tool for managing your contacts and relationships. Nothing can match it.

*We have two fabulous buttons at the bottom of every Featured TNNWC Columnist's article:

We crave your comments and feedback on every article. Be heard!

The buttons are provided for you to 1) comment on articles and to view other readers' comments on the articles, and to 2) let you forward, share, rate, promote and do other social media stuff with any article which you find to be of interest.

One button pops open to a screen which allows you to read other readers' comments, and to leave your own [the more comments you leave on the greatest number of articles by the greatest number of authors, the better your personal branding and SEO - Fact!]. The other gives you a means of forwarding or sharing, either by email or by posting to any one (or all) of your social media. Here's what they look like:


Forward/Share This Article With Colleagues And Social Media:

Use these buttons or our Management Team will take them away! Our Management Team is ruthless (we had to let Ruth go), cold-hearted, hard-heading and demanding!

*TNNWC Client, Affiliate and Supporter, Bonnie Ross-Parker, published author and creator of The Joy Of Connecting recently received some NEW press coverage. Bonnie has created a proprietary system for women in business to network person-to-person in a completely unthreatening, inviting atmosphere that produces more actual ACTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS than any other networking method.

If you are female (you must be sure!), you should consider becoming a JOC licensee. It is the most powerful in-home, real-touch relationship and network-building tool ever conceived by the mind of Ms. Ross-Parker provides a fabulous system to her Licensees, along with live training, constant upgrading, publicity, service and ongoing support. JOC Licensees (and now, The Latina Joy Of Connecting "LJOC" Licensees, too) promote their own businesses while they help other invitees to promote theirs. As Paula Fellingham would say, it is a genuine "WIN - WIN" for every Licensee and attendee. In fact, you might want to look at Paula's site:

Bottom line: Female? In business? Want fast-track growth without an enormous budgetary outlay and without pressure? Get a License -- While you can.

To learn more about this revolutionary and efficient sytem for instantly building meaningful business relationships without "speed-dating stress" or polishing up your 30-second (gulp!) "elevator pitch," download TNNWC's Public Announcement about Ms. Ross-Parker and The Joy Of Connecting by clicking on either:  (for those of you who prefer long, hard urls) or  by clicking on this one: (for those of you who like catchier, truncated urls which are more easily remembered) .  Do it now.

*Have you reviewed any of the blogs authored or administered by TNNWC Vice-Chairman Douglas Castle? He's even got a new one.

The new blog features music to take you away from the stresses of building and growing entrepreneurial and emerging enterprises. A music break is brief, but it allows your intellectual and creative batteries to restore themselves so that you can actually be more productive. Click on and join up (it's free, but the price is due to double on June 1st):  Go there.

Every other blog in this brilliant constellation, and every social media link is under the TNNWC Umbrella (which is not to be confused with the Traveller's Insurance Company Umbrella, which cannot be folded or put into your attache case):

The National Networker Companies - Networking is only the beginning...
Braintenance - Stay razor sharp.
The Internationalist Page - A world without barriers.
The Global Futurist - Revealing trends.
Taking Command! - Mastering your fate.
LINKS 4 LIFE - Help in any emergency.
Grab the National Newspicker Page Gadget - All the news, trends and intel you 20 minutes per day.

Note: Douglas Castle is perhaps one of the greatest social and economic visionaries of our time -- then again, there are those who think that he is a ranting fool. He is neither humble nor tactful. His mother loves him...almost nobody else does. [Adam j. Kovitz, the creator of the notion of Relationship Capital, merely tolerates Castle].

* Help Us To Spread The Word About our Collaborative and Cooperative Community Across All Of Your Social Media Groups with your Status Updates, Mini-Postings and Comments. Buzz, Tweet, Digg, Blog, Reddit, Smrgl (invented that last one), At.rocious, etcetera, all of these beauties. Together, we can create impact and momentum.

The Empowerment of Women - A Gender Whose Time Has Come  #TNNW With all of the best yet to come,

Your slogan MUST be brilliant. It might cost you a bit; but it could just make you an enormous success.  #TNNW

Fact: Someone out there wants exactly what you have to offer. Trick: Increase the odds of finding 'im. Tool:  #TNNW

It is self-evaluation time. Knowing yourself is crucial to your success. Quick private personal assessment tool:

The myth of multi-tasking. Work smarter.

Women in business. The Joy Of Connecting: the MOST efficient means to building profitable relationships. Explore

Women in business. Women in life. It really starts at age 40. Explore  Join us.

Women in business. The ultimate media destination for achieving a fulfilling work/life balance. Click (your heels)  

Note to all of our friends:: Please feel free to add your own Twitter hashtags (#_____) to each of the above items if no other hashtags are already there...or, if you have some space left (e.g., you've haven't used 140 characters up), add a second hashtag of your own either before or after the TNNW tag. Get your SEO up with ours. Brute force (at least the peaceful kind) always works. Let's exponentialize.

Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle

The National Networker Companies
Join our GICBC and receive our free news, info, intelligence and publications at . You will absolutely want access to our suite of services, too. Join.

Tags, Terms and Labels: Sandra Levitin, Bonnie Ross-Parker, Kalön Women, The Joy Of Connecting, Paula Fellingham, The Women's Information Network, The Win Online, QuoteActions, Rick Itzkowich, empowered women, The National Networker Companies, Metro Merchant Services, merchant/vendor payment processing, TNNWC Preferred Services Provider, The Winning Women's Vortex, Ann Barczay Sloan, Empowering Emerging Enterprise, Adam J. Kovitz, LINKS 4 LIFE, Douglas Castle, lobbying power,The TNNWC Suite of Business Services, TNNWC Publications and Media, The GICBC (Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community), Critical mind mass, Relationship Capital 

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