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Friday, May 14, 2010

Despite Vicious Rumors, Adam J. Kovitz Does Not Like Dyslexia

(originally published in The Mind of Adam J. Kovitz)

Perhaps it's just a sign of our current pop culture, but I have just recently got an emailed "invitation" from one of my "friends" via "The Facebook Team".  And while I am not usually concerned about what others think of me, I find it to be somewhat embarrassing on such a public forum as Facebook.

So, therefore, I find it necessary to set the record straight for all who care to read this.

The email I received...

"[Name withheld] liked Dyslexia on Facebook and suggested you like it too.

"To see more details and confirm this invitation, follow the link below:
http://[URL withheld]

"The Facebook Team"


Really?  Dyslexia?

First, of all, I cannot believe the insensitivity of my friend for even liking this particular learning disability that is neurological in nature.  They should frankly be ashamed of themselves.

Secondly, if they really were my friend, they wouldn't make such a heinous accusation.  Friends to not make assumptions about each others' likes and dislikes, especially not Facebook friends.

So I have to ask myself, was this act done on purpose as a means to slander my character?

I believe that people are generally kind in nature, friends are even kinder and Facebook friends are kinder yet (I am reminded of the number of free virtual gifts and invitations to incredibly addicting games that I get every day).

On the other hand (looking at myself for a moment), it is possible that I may have accidentally given my friend the impression that I really take pleasure in the fact that:
  1. 15-20% of the population in the U.S., has a language based learning disability. Dyslexia is probably the most common of the language based learning disabilities.
  2. Of people with poor reading skills, 70-80% are likely dyslexic
  3. Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing and spelling difficulties?*

That is just ludicrous...there is nothing in my Facebook profile, LinkedIn profile or even personality profile that would even suggest that I have any affection whatsoever towards dyslexia, therefore as of this writing I am happy to announce that:
  1. I have chosen to "ignore" the "invitation" to like dyslexia, and
  2. I have chosen to remove my "friend" - no friend does this to another
  3. I do not like, fancy, or have any affectation towards dyslexia.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running the Fans of Dysgraphia Society (FODS) website...

- Adam

Despite being what others call a "musicologist", I have no knowledge of any songs relating to dyslexia.  I do, however, know of many, such as the Beatle's "Rain", which features "backward masking".  Unfortunately, there are no videos for that song.

Therefore, I am choosing to include, not just one, but two videos featuring stuttering...enjoy!

Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

The Who - My Generation

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