The National Networker Weekly Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report are TNNWC Publications Geared Toward Early-Stage Enterprises.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Women in business: The Joy Of Connecting Wants You to Consider the Following Question -- Are You "Hell Bent," or are you "Heaven Sent"?

Women in business: The Joy Of Connecting wants you to consider the following question -- Are you "hell bent," or are you "heaven sent"?

Through a JOC License, you can expand your professional network twenty times faster than through virtually any other directed and focused networking approach. Ultimately, it comes down to how many people you know, and not to how many names you've collected. Be realistic. Is what you're doing enough? Is it truly effective?

How many people on your list of contacts would you refer business to? How many of those people would ref a prospective client or customer to you? How about this: How many people on your list would even remember your name and what you have to offer? In the crazy, noisy social media networking environment, the percentage of people you will actually work with can actually be getting smaller and smaller as your list grows!

Just this past week, Bonnie Ross-Parker and JOC celebrated their 8th Anniversary.

In the current economic climate, how does an entrepreneurial enterprise stay in business and actually grow? Bonnie Ross-Parker, JOC's CEO and Founder did it by:

  • Having a unique, carefully thought-out approach which has stood the test of time;

  • Offering thorough, hands-on, interactive training (the best in the networking industry), educational materials and quite a bit of personalized hand-holding;

  • Providing genuine, Human ongoing Licensee support;

  • Constantly improving the quality of every aspect of the JOC Program;

Visit: to see why women throughout the country are becoming JOC Licensees. Hint: The fastest, friendliest, most powerful impressions are made when a select group of Invitees meet in a non-threatening, in-touch, in-person home environment.

Think about it practically, from your own experience. Take the quiz. Who would you be most immediately inclined to do business with?

1. Someone you've meet through an online community or group.

2. Someone you've spoken with on the telephone, and whose photograph you've seen.

3. Someone you've met in person, spoken with one-on-one, and enjoyed dinner with.

The answer is #3. [If you did not choose #3, you have been terribly sheltered or mislead. In fact, the few people who choose either #1 or #2 in this exercise are probably "hell-bent" on doing business instead of "heaven sent."]

Bonnie Ross-Parker, through her proprietary approach to off-line, selective networking opens doors quickly because it completely eliminates our natural, defensive barriers to trust (in people who are merely on the same email list as we are) and maximizes the benefits of verbal and non-verbal (i.e., body language) communication. A contact is helpful -- but a relationship is far more powerful, accessible and useful. This is true without exception.

Accumulating contact email lists and collecting business cards from crowded trade expos (a bit worse than speed dating), where the decibel level is about the same as being a few feet from an airport runway just doesn't do enough fast enough.

Get to the site and hear real, live Licensees and Invitees offer their enthusiastic testimonials. You should visit now at or take a cyber-trip to .

Happy 8th Anniversary to Bonnie and The Joy Of Connecting. Bonnie is a winner because her method works; she never, ever gives up; and she keeps making friends and getting awards along the way. Just Google Bonnie Ross-Parker!

At TNNWC Group. LLC, (  we are honored and delighted to have Bonnie serving as the Chairperson of our Cooperative Business Community and Committee.


Douglas Castle
Co-Chairman and CEO,

p.s. How about a photograph from the JOC Anniversary Festivities? Glad that you asked. We have several, and we'll start with this one...

Above Photo, Left to Right: Annette Walden Mason (JOC Licensee), Debbie Warden, (JOC Licensee) and Special Guest Susan Gooding-Stewart, an 8-Year "Veteran" of The Joy of Connecting.

And another...

Above Photo, Left To Right: Bonnie Ross-Parker (Founder and CEO), and Ana Maria Lowry, National Director of The Latina Joy Of Connecting.


Labels, Tags, Key Words: JOC, Bonnie Ross-Parker, The Joy Of Connecting, CBC, women's business, networking systems, Ana Maria Lowry, Tana Torrano, OSBO, TNNWC Services, Cooperative Business Community, Successful Women, collaboration, increasing leads, empowering emerging enterprises, empowering women in business, trends, Douglas Castle, SBA

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