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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

GICBC - Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community

GICBC - Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community.

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Readers:

What follows is not the mere citing of a trend or its implications. It is an editorial suggestion for ceasing a destructive pattern.

I post notices of this sort from time to time because I understand how suggestions can lead to actions. It is not a moral or ethical statement which I make in this post -- it is simply a move in the direction of survival.

NOTICE: The Next Entity: Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community ("GICBC"). Successor to the ICBC. Subscribe. Join. . A concept whose time is now.

You'll be hearing more about this.

Your question: Can there truly be enlightened self-interest? I believe so and very strongly. Our society is at stake -- we are not evolving by continuously repeating the expanding cycle of greed and need.

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