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The Governments of the world, the capital markets, the major banks (and the lesser ones who avoid loan defaults by never rendering favorable credit decisions) and the large corporations do little, if anything, to encourage innovation, new and emerging business enterprises, the entrepreneurial spirit and the amazing technological breakthroughs, vital productivity and permanent employment opportunities that we create. And they are doing less and less.
As a matter of fact, big business and big government dance together and almost never let small business or emerging enterprises cut in. They are far too busy taking money from the taxpayers, or printing fiat currency, or rolling the dice with the future of the majority of people living in the world, to dance with us. They ignore us. Even though we were the spark that ignited their very existence, they have co-opted our ideas (when they haven't suppressed or outlawed them) and are quite content as long as they can enjoy a high standard of living.
These desk-dominating entrenched dinosaurs are eating the food off of our plates...they are living a lavish lifestyle, and have shut the door behind them -- right in our faces. They offer no help. Ironically, emerging enterprises are the principal source of all economic productivity and true economic growth!
The most essential component of true productivity in any socio-economic system is the entrepreneurial segment. We are the true leaders, the true drivers and the ultimate salvation of a world economy which now serves only a select few at the expense, and to the unconscionable detriment, of many.
For those of you who are paying attention to global economics, you must be wondering how all of these great (but somehow corrupt and hideously incompetent institutions) can't seem to understand this: You cannot get out of debt by incurring more of it. The game of paper shuffling and musical chairs is fast coming unraveled. You must be productive and profitable to turn an economy around. Accounting tricks and frankensteinian "programs" and "restructuring" are merely band aids on cancer.
The entrepreneurial spirit and initiative must be encouraged, supported, stimulated and given resources --
We, the bearers of the only true keys to the creation of a peaceful and prosperous society and a booming, thriving economy, have had our supply lines cut by these large wastrels. They are interested only in keeping their power, their wealth, their freedom... and their domination of all things.
As entrepreneurs and leaders of emerging enterprises, we often get discouraged because we feel too small to be noticed; we feel isolated and lonely. Many formerly creative people have spent so much time on the corporate career path that they find themselves not only unemployed, but feeling helpless -- like de-clawed cats in the lion's den.
The fact is, esteemed colleagues, that as long as we remain isolated from each other, and as long as we are divided we will not be able to get the resources and access which we need to be fully successful.
A small company operating alone does not have the clout to negotiate better pricing from suppliers and insurance carriers, or to attract operating capital, or to hire and pay for all of the talent that they truly need, or to get the services and support that would expedite their growth, or to gain sufficient media coverage and branding that their sales would "go vertical." As isolated creatures, we struggle more than we truly have to, and we are fated to make very slow progress at great risk and expense.
The concept of the GICBC (the Global Interworked Cooperative Business Community) offers the ideal solution. It allows every entrepreneur to retain his or her individual identity, while being a member of a much larger, more powerful group -- virtually an economy unto itself.
Can you picture this? -- An association where each Member promotes each other Member's products and services as well as its own? An association where risks are pooled and shared. An association with the lobbying strength and negotiating power to get what its Members need and want? An association where the Members interact as advisors, partners, mentors, suppliers and customers? An association where every Member can become a voting stakeholder and share in a stream of profits from diversified Member businesses worldwide? A true democracy where every stakeholder has a vote, and where the greatest contributors can rise to the top? A true meritocracy? An association with its own internal sources of capital, insurance and virtually every business service needed to ensure success --- and all at highly-favorable terms?
Can you imagine the vast power and synergy which can be generated by a friendly sharing of resources amongst a huge group of emerging enterprises acting together in harmony asnd focus???
Join TNNWC's GICBC. Become part of an unstoppable success. Be a Member of a self-sustaining socio-economical system which owns and controls its own resources as a victor, and not as a victim. We can't depend upon government or large corporations to help us. But we can count on each other!
Unite with us. Learn more. Be part of our early-stage development. Membership is free. Click on or on
United, organized, and democratically self-governing, each of us will be secure, stronger and more prosperous. Working together collaboratively, our resources will grow exponentially, and we will achieve limitless accomplishments and success.
Through Membership in the GICBC, we will each reclaim our lost power…the power to control our own destinies, to realize our dreams and to build the future on our own terms.
Acting harmoniously, and joining our hearts, our hands and our minds, we become far greater than the sum of each of our Members – we have the voice, influence and towering presence of a Giant. And we need no longer be at the mercy of any institution with self-proclaimed authority over our lives, our freedoms and our fortunes.
With The Promise of a Much Better Way,
Adam J. Kovitz, Chairman, and
Douglas Castle, Vice-Chairman
“Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
Visit our website at
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